
Criminal Liability for Libel and Insult Hinders Battle Against Corruption

 An efficient fight against corruption is impossible without assistance of civil society and the media that exercise public control. On its own, the state can neither determine nor prevent the majority of corruption cases.

Kazakhstan adopted the National standards for palliative care provision

Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the National Standard for palliative care provision in Kazakhstan. The document regulates the scope of palliative care which shall be provided at the same level as other medical and social services.

Analytical report on the project «Monitoring the effectiveness of state budget expenditures on prevention and treatment of cancer»

This research is available in Russian language  

Almaty Youth Civic Education and Culture

This research is available in Russian language

Kazakhstan’s International Obligations to Freedom of Speech

Kazakhstan’s international obligations to freedom of speech are settled by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.