
Financial Report 2014


The first issue of the advanced course on human rights

The participants of a year-long “Capacity building of human rights defenders in Kazakhstan” project were awarded certificates in Almaty. In total 10 people from 6 regions of Kazakhstan participated in this project to undergo human rights training courses.

People with mental health disorders in Kazakhstan lack proper rehabilitation

In anticipation of ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Kazakhstan, we initiated a conversation with Mr. Sergey Molchanov, the psychotherapist and a human rights activist from Pavlodar, about the issues facing people with mental disabilities in our country.

Adventures of Maxim and Sana

Why indifference is inhuman? Is thinking an entertainment or a duty? Do we know how to defer to an alternative opinion? Maxim and Sana who are the principal characters of the series of animated films of Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan are pursuing answers to these and other questions.

“1937: Zhoktau Memory Territory” Art Project