
Transparency in extractive industry legislation

The Republic of Kazakhstan is preparing a new Code on Subsurface and subsurface Use. As part of this process, the government developed and shared for comment a “Concept” outlining key policy directions for the new code.

Electric power sector governance in Kazakhstan

The document is prepared by a team experts from Kazakhstan’s NGO with financial support from Soros-Kazakhstan foundation.

Tinde Kovač Cerović

Inclusive education requires fundamental changes in values, skills and practices

E.Vatlina “Kazakhstan needs Children’s Ombudsman”

 A delegation of representatives from the Kazakhstan NGOs Coalition “On Protection of Children’s Rights” recently returned from Geneva, where it presented the fourth alternative report “On protection of children’s rights in Kazakhstan” to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Statement of the Soros Foundation Kazakhstan with regard to the passed Law «On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development»

Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan expresses its concerns with regard to the Law «On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development» passed by the Senate (the upper house) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.