
Statement of Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation in relation to violations of human rights on May 21, 2016

Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan expresses its deep concern at the numerous violations of human rights by law enforcement officials on May 21, 2016.

“We are for media free from state order”, Diana Okremova

In 2012, the Northern Kazakhstan “Legal Media Center” Public Foundation, with the support of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan developed a database for Government’s media orders.

For the Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Ratification by the Republic of Kazakhstan

February 20, 2015 was a momentous event for the country as Kazakhstan had ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter – the Convention), thereby making a positive step towards improving the situation of persons with special needs in our country.

Annual report 2015


The Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan Statement on passage of the Law “On Introduction of Changes and Addendae to Certain Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Issues in Relation to the Activities of Non-governmental Organizations”

The Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan expresses regret  due  to the passage of the Law “On Introduction of Changes and Addendae to Certain Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Issues in Relation to the Activities of Non-governmental Organizations”.