
Statement of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan with regard to the prison sentences passed upon human rights activist Max Bokayev and civic activist Talgat Ayan on November 28, 2016

The Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan expresses deep regret over the prison sentences passed  upon human rights activist, Max Bokayev, and civic activist, Talgat Ayan by Criminal Court №2 of the city of Atyrau, Kazakhstan on November 28, 2016.

Statement of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan in relation to the disruption of the Informal Youth Conference «ZhasCamp» in Atyrau and Pavlodar

The Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan (SFK) expresses its deep concern over the disruption of the Informal Youth Conference “ZhasCamp” on October 15, 2016 in Atyrau and October 22, 2016 in Pavlodar.

Dana Migalyova: Stop investing into an old system

This year, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan (SFK) supported the establishment of a network of organizations that provide alternative services to people with mental disorders. Dana Migalyova, head of a similar network in Lithuania («Viltis») has visited Almaty in order to share her experience in this field.

Richard Dion: In promoting the EITI Kazakhstan plays a leading role at the region

The history of EITI implementation in Kazakhstan counts more than 10 years. Those, who evidenced its beginning, note that it was exciting and challenging process, however Kazakhstan managed to achieve significant results in extractive revenues management and the fundamental  work towards improvement of EITI reporting is seen and appreciated by other implementing States.

Statement of the Soros Foundation Kazakhstan with regard to the election of Kazakhstan a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council

Soros Foundation Kazakhstan welcomes election of Kazakhstan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018. This decision comes as a deserved recognition of our country’s contribution to the development of a positive agenda in international relations, both at the global and regional levels.