
In Kazakhstan the first vocational school on preparation of volunteers opened

ALMATY, on May 22, 2012 – The team of young enthusiasts, professional coaches and experts opened the first vocational school of coachs on preparation of volunteers where 22 representatives of NGO from all Kazakhstan were trained.

Anton Artemyev has been appointed as new Chairman of the SFK Executive Council

Based on the decision of the founder of Soros Foundation – Kazakhstan, Open Society Institute, Anton Artemyev has been appointed as new Chairman of the Foundation Executive Council and will take up his duties from May 2, 2012.

In Karaganda the premiere of the film “LIFE before death” took place

KARAGANDA, on April 25, 2012 – At the Karaganda state medical university (КарГМУ) the premiere of the documentary film “Life before Death” where the problem of rendering the palliative help reveals took place.

Found Soros Kazakhstan establishes a special grant of Anna Aleksandrova

ALMATY, on April 27, 2012 – The Fund Soros Kazakhstan (FSK) establishes a special grant of a name of Anna Aleksandrova for the purpose of support of the people advancing ideas and principles of social justice in society.

Found Soros Kazakhstan represents the strategy for NGO of Karaganda

KARAGANDA, on April 23, 2012 – The Fonda Soros Kazakhstan (FSK) representatives arrived to Karaganda for a meeting with local NGO, experts and mass media to tell about strategic priorities and program initiatives for the next two years.