
On October 13 Kazakhstan citizens will celebrate the World Day of Hospices and Palliative Services*

According to the World Health Organization, annually about 24 million adult population of the world at the end of the course of life need the palliative help. 66% from them people are more senior than 60 years.

International Forum on Palliative Care

On September 7, the International Forum on Palliative Care was held within the framework of the VII Congress of oncologists and radiologists of the CIS countries.

International Day of Youth

What is it? In 1999 the General Assembly of the UN supported the recommendation of the World conference of ministers about affairs of youth about declaration on August 12 in the International afternoon of youth (International Youth Day). Since 2000 this day regularly celebrate in the different countries.

In Almaty the Camp of Social Innovations (SICamp) Central Asia will open

On May 31 in Almaty the Camp of Social Innovations (SICamp) Central Asia will open. Social Innovation Camp is carried out with support Fonda Soros – Kazakhstan, Transitions Online and Internyyus Kazakhstan.

Compendium of Laws of Some Countries in the Field of Administrative Justice

This compendium has its goal to facilitate establishment and further development of administrative justice in Kazakhstan. The publication is for civil servants, law makers, judges, academia, activists, other interested people.