
Situation with palliative care in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The purpose of this report wastoresearchthesystemof palliative care in Kazakhstan and to develop recommendations on  its improvement and development.

Criminal Liability Against Defamation Must Be Repeled

Participants of a conference “Prospects for Reforming Media Law in Kazakhstan,” organized by the International Foundation of Press Freedom Adil Soz, see a move by the Kazakh government to amend Civil and Criminal Codes as a timely window of opportunity for decriminalizing defamation.

The palliative care development in Kazakhstan

Since 2008, the Soros Kazakhstan Foundation (SKF) ensures the palliative care development in Kazakhstan. During this period the Foundation granted aid for national palliative care standard development.

Aliya Sharipbayeva

Information Program Coordinator

Criminal Liability Against Defamation Must Be Repeled