
No Criminal Punishment For Defamation


Transparency of State Procurements

A 2-day international meeting was held in Almaty by non-governmental organizations of Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan participating in a joint project dedicated to review of state procurement procedures.

The project has started

The “Capacity building of the human rights activists and defenders” project jointly implemented by Soros Foundation Kazakhstan Law Reform program and Human Rights Initiative has started.

Results of the competition for a social short-length film

The Soros Foundation – Kazakhstan, within the framework of an activity of the “Youth Initiatives” Program, announced a competition for a short-length film (social, fiction, documentary or animation) in the Kazakh language among individuals aged 18 to 35 years old this spring. Forty-two applications have been received from all the cities of Kazakhstan for participation in this competition.

Mapping Digital Media: Kazakhstan

The Mapping Digital Media project examines the global opportunities and risks created by the transition from traditional to digital media. Covering 60 countries, the project examines how these changes affect the core democratic service that any media system should provide: news about political, economic, and social affairs.