
Legal analysis of the barriers on access to opioid analgesics for palliative care patients in Kazakhstan

The aim of this legal analysis is to learn how state regulations on drug control policy can influence the availability of opioids for medical purposes.

Palliative Care Needs Assessment Republic of Kazakhstan

The international expert in palliative care Thomas Lynch was specially invited by Soros-Foundation-Kazakhstan to conduct the Palliative care needs assessment for Kazakhstani patients.

The International EITI Board designated Kazakhstan as ‘EITI Compliant’ country

October 18, 2013 – Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan welcomes the decision of the International EITI Board to assign the Republic of Kazakhstan as ‘EITI Compliant’.

Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights and robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects


Maxwell Watson: People need to know that you do not have to die in pain

Maxwell Watson, a visiting professor of palliative medicine in Ulster University and an acting medical director in Northern Ireland Hospice, Belfast, visited Almaty for conducting a one week course on palliative care for Kazakhstani physicians.