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Anton Artemyev has been appointed as new Chairman of the SFK Executive Council

Based on the decision of the founder of Soros Foundation – Kazakhstan, Open Society Institute, Anton Artemyev has been appointed as new Chairman of the Foundation Executive Council and will take up his duties from May 2, 2012.

Anton Artemyev has 11 years of experience in the area of civil society development. Since 2004 he has been in charge of the Foundation’s program to increase transparency and accountability in public finances. Throughout this period the Foundation pro-actively supported the implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and he also initiated a number of successful projects, among which was the publication of the first civil budget (a budget designed to be understandable to everyone) in Kazakhstan, development of the index of local budget transparency and other projects. Between July 2011 and January 2012, Anton Artemyev held the position of director of SFK programs.

Anton Artemyev said of his appointment: “I am very proud of the important contribution that our Foundation consistently brings to the development of civil society in Kazakhstan, being guided by the principles of transparency, accountability and justice. Within the scope of our strategy for 2012-2013, we will continue supporting initiatives aimed at building a tolerant, active society and responsible and transparent governance”.

SFK is one of the largest independent donors in Kazakhstan, participating in the development of civil society in the country, following the principles of transparency, accountability and justice. In 2011 SFK allocated 321 grants for such purposes as budgetary planning and monitoring of revenues from extractive industries; legal reform and observance of human rights; the development of mass media; the development of expert networks and support for youth initiatives.